Feedback Form

If you used this tutorial, then you will best know its strengths and weaknesses. It is important to make this material as effective as possible. Please take a moment to complete the form.

Your Name:

Your Mother Tongue (eg English, Russian):

How would you rate your level of Hebrew on starting the material:

Do you describe yourself as:

How old are you?:

How did you find out about this site?: eg search engine (which one?), email from a friend, newsgroup, word of mouth etc)

What is your motivation for learning Hebrew?:

Please briefly describe things that the tutorial does well, and why:

Please briefly describe things that the tutorial does poorly, and why:

What new material would you like to see in future versions of the tutorial?:

What material do you think should be dropped or reworked for future versions of the tutorial?:

What do you think of the writing style:(should it be more formal/informal, more stories to maintain interest, illustrations etc)?

What do you think of learning curve: (is it uncomfortably steep/shallow etc)?

Would you like a published version of the tutorial made available (publishers cost money), and if so how much/what quality (in US$, excluding postage and packaging)?:

Any Other Comments?:

Thank You!

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