Step By Step Installation For Windows


This section is intented for casual Windows users, who are having trouble getting from the download to a working application.

Q: I have downloaded the application, but cannot "find it" -

You specify at the time you download where the application is to download to. If you don't know where you've put it then I suggest one of two things. Download the application again, remembering where you put it. Alternatively use the Windows find tool (on some versions it is called the search tool), located on the start menu, as depicted below.

search menu

Search for FS*.EXE, similar to the following image...


Q: I have downloaded the application, but cannot unzip it because I don't have Winzip -

You don't need Winzip, FS*.EXE is a self extracting executable. Click on the "Unzip" button - that is the button in the top right corner, as depicted below.


Click the arrow below to continue with the rest of the regular Windows install...

left arrow